Full-Stack Developer

Andrea Varnado

Developing Websites and Applications using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Java,
Spring Boot, and Thymeleaf

Wedding Wise

A wedding planning application that allows two different kinds of users access while providing features to a customer like budget tracking, a guest list manager, a vendor directory, vendor ratings, and email service integration.

Technologies Used: Java, Spring Boot: Security and Data, MySQL, jQuery, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Mailtrap API, Google Maps API


An application that allows users to search through ads by title or category, delete and edit an ad through their profile, along with registering a new user and creating new ads.

Technologies used: Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, JavascriptAdLister


UnRated is an application created through paired programming that allows users to search, sort, add, edit, and favorite a list of movies.

Technologies Used: Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5

Weather Dashboard

An application that allows users to get a 5-day forecast and current weather for a specified location pinned on the map.

Technologies Used: Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5